Withamsville-Tobasco Elementary

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All call 9/6/11

  • All Kindergarten students must have a physical and shot record on file to be eligible to attend school.

  • Remeber that you can turn right and use the service drive after you drop-off or pick-up your child each day. The traffic moves more quickly when heading East on 125.

  • To make drop-off move more quickly please have your WT child sitting on the curb or passenger side of your vehicle.

  • Many of you walked to pick up children today. If you plan to walk to pick up your child each day please send a note so we can release your student at 2:45 with walkers. Walkers will be released on the secondary exit located to the right of the main entrance.

  • Kindergarten and 1st grade students need to walk with an older sibling or be released to an adult for safety reasons.
I appreciate your support as we work to improve our speed in the morning and afternoon. Tonya Schmidt, Principal

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