Withamsville-Tobasco Elementary

Friday, September 2, 2011

9/5/11Sunday all-call

Welcome back to school! It was wonderful to see so many families at Open House. I hope you are all excited to return to school on Tuesday. We are ready to kick off another great year at WT. Just a couple of reminders to make the first day run smoothly. We will begin releasing students from busses and cars at 8:45. All teachers will be outside to receive students in the morning. If you are walking your child please take them directly to the main entrance where you will leave them with a teacher from their grade level. Breakfast is offered on the first day of school beginning at 8:45. Be sure you send your childs backpack on the first day. Please be sure that you have returned the form that tells how your child will get home each day. Parents of K or 1st grade students that are walking need either an older child or adult to meet them each day. If you are picking up your child be sure you have your car tag. Remeber, for safety reasons, parents without tags will need to sign out thier child in the office. Thank you for your support as we get in our new routing of drop off and pick-up! Tonya Schmidt, Principal

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