Withamsville-Tobasco Elementary

Friday, November 9, 2012

WT Pre-School Learns Fire Safety

The Miss Jane, Miss Rachel, and the Headstart preschools at WT Elementary had a visit from the Union Township Fire Department to compliment the unit on community workers. The firefighters taught the children about fire safety. We wanted the children to learn about what to do in the event of a fire in their home. We learned how to dial 911. We also learned to crawl under the smoke and leave the house to meet their family in a safe place. In addition, we learned to drop to the floor and roll if our clothes were on fire. Many children hide from the fireman in an emergency because they are scared; therefore, they put on their firefighting gear to show the children what they would look like. We are thrilled this experience has taught the preschoolers a wealth of information to help them in an emergency. It is never too young to learn about safety.

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